book blogging, book review, Books, Fiction, mystery, thriller

Thoughts on “The Woman in Cabin 10” by Ruth Ware

Amazon Summary:  Lo Blacklock, a journalist who writes for a travel magazine, has just been given the assignment of a lifetime: a week on a luxury cruise with only a handful of cabins. The sky is clear, the waters calm, and the veneered, select guests jovial as the exclusive cruise ship, the Aurora, begins her… Continue reading Thoughts on “The Woman in Cabin 10” by Ruth Ware

#reading, book blogging, Fantasy, Fiction, Opinion, Unpopular Opinions, YA fiction, Young Adult Fiction

What the Backlash of “Twilight” Taught Me

The Twilight series is something I have been wanting to talk about for some time now, but lacked the courage to do so. It is potentially one of the most openly hated books to come out of the 21st century (a position only recently overtaken by 50 Shades of Grey) and is still mocked to… Continue reading What the Backlash of “Twilight” Taught Me

#romance, Children's Fiction, Fantasy, TV show, Uncategorized, Unpopular Opinions

Unpopular Opinion: Why Zuko and Mai Don’t Work As a Couple

I would be lying if I said I didn't see some logic behind pushing these two characters together. From my own experience, people have the proclivity to seek out romantic partners who make up for what they lack either intentionally or otherwise. That being said, I've learned there is a limit to how "opposite" you… Continue reading Unpopular Opinion: Why Zuko and Mai Don’t Work As a Couple

#romance, Children's Fiction, Fantasy, Fiction, Opinion, TV show, Uncategorized, Unpopular Opinions

Unpopular Opinion: Why Katara and Aang Don’t Work As a Couple

When Netflix announced they would be adding Avatar: The Last Airbender to their streaming platform, I literally squealed. Avatar is not only one of the best cartoon shows ever to air, but one of the best shows in existence period. The way it is able to tell stories with such mature themes like war, death,… Continue reading Unpopular Opinion: Why Katara and Aang Don’t Work As a Couple

#poetry, creative writing, Uncategorized, Unpopular Opinions, Writing

Unpopular Opinion: The Current State of Poetry

While poetry isn't my favorite medium, it will always hold a special place in my heart. Edgar Allen Poe's Alone speaks to me in ways few other works ever have. The Battle Hymn of the Republic by Julia Ward Howe gets my heart pounding with its haunting lyricism and captivating imagery. Poetry in itself is… Continue reading Unpopular Opinion: The Current State of Poetry

Children's Fiction, controversy, Fantasy, Fiction, Literature, movie, Opinion, Reaction, social media, Unpopular Opinions

Unpopular Opinion: Peter Rabbit and the Food Allergy Controversy

Disclaimer: I have not seen, nor do I plan on seeing Peter Rabbit. My opinions are entirely based off of information I obtained from reading articles online detailing the scene and it's execution (no pun intended). If you have seen the movie yourself and would care to share your opinion on how this particular instance was… Continue reading Unpopular Opinion: Peter Rabbit and the Food Allergy Controversy

#blogging, Current Events, Humor, Internet Culture, Opinion, politics, social commentary, Unpopular Opinions

Unpopular Opinion: Outrage Culture Conditioned Me To Not Care About Anything

Just as a heads up, this is as close to addressing political issues as I am likely to get on this blog outside of discussions involving freedom of expression. The only reason I'm even bothering typing up this post is because, as bloggers, may of us have lives that are saturated by media. Hell, most… Continue reading Unpopular Opinion: Outrage Culture Conditioned Me To Not Care About Anything

Anime, Movie Review, Opinion, review, Unpopular Opinions, Writing

Unpopular Opinion: “Death Note” The Netflix Film Wasn’t THAT Bad

I know everyone is in shock about this but Netflix created a live-action film adaptation of beloved anime series and manga Death Note....and it was not well received. It was weird, it was convoluted, and it completely fell apart at the seams. .......but.... I don't think it's nearly as bad as people think it is.… Continue reading Unpopular Opinion: “Death Note” The Netflix Film Wasn’t THAT Bad

#horror, Books, Current Events, Doctor Who, Fairytales, Fantasy, Fiction, Literature, Opinion, review, Unpopular Opinions, Writing

Why I’m Disappointed By Neil Gaiman’s “Trigger Warning”

Perhaps I'm just whingeing over semantics here, but I had to get this off my chest. When I purchased the audiobook for Neil Gaiman's book on short stories I was very excited. Not only am I a fan of Gaiman's writing, I am also a big fan of his narration. His dulcet tones and faint… Continue reading Why I’m Disappointed By Neil Gaiman’s “Trigger Warning”

#fiction, #horror, #opinion, movie, Movie Review, Reaction

Thoughts on the “IT” 2017 Trailer

I am going to tell you something I wasn't sure I would ever admit on this blog..... A secret that I have been keeping under wraps for fear of being ostracized by the literary community. *takes a breath* I don't like Stephen King novels. I know, I'm sorry. It's not for want of trying. I've… Continue reading Thoughts on the “IT” 2017 Trailer